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Teenage Bottlerocket - Stay Rad!

Teenage Bottlerocket - Stay Rad!

Regular price $17.99
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  • Label: Fat Wreck Chords
  • Format: 12"

While admittedly difficult to remember the names of various Teenage Bottlerocket albums since they have such similar titles, this "white album" is a great one. There are some really funny tracks here ("Wild Hair...", ...."Acid"), but Ray's love song to his son Milo ("Everything to Me") is a real tear-jerker.

Teenage Bottlerocket is a band that makes you want to dance, even though you don't know how.

Side A

  1. You Don't Get The Joke
  2. Death Kart
  3. Everything To Me
  4. I Wanna Be A Dog
  5. Night of the Knuckleheads
  6. Creature From The Black Metal Lagoon
  7. Anti-Social Media

Side B

  1. Wild Hair (Across My Ass)
  2. The First Time That I Did Acid Was The Last Time That I Did Acid
  3. I Want To Kill Clint Carlin
  4. I'll Kill You Tomorrow
  5. Stupid Song
  6. Little Kid
  7. I Never Knew
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